dijous, 11 de desembre del 2014

Points shu, mu, old shu and xi.

1- The 5 old Shu points.
    They are located in this order: From the end of the fingers to the joint of the elbow or knee, throughout the 12 dazzling channels. The circulation of qi by the channels goes in crescendo.
    They are denominated:
    JîNG (Well) Located in the end of the fingers of hands and feet. It is by where qi appears or leaves.
    YING (Flowing) Located in front of the metacarpofalangicals or metatarsofalangicals joints. It is a place of movement and flow of qi of the meridian.
    SHU (Stream) Behind the metacarpofalangicals or metatarsofalangicals joints or in the folding of flexion of the wrists. Place where qi of the meridian is spilled and begins to prosper its volume.
    JING (River) In the proximities of the ankles and wrists. Place where qi of the meridian flows.
    HE (Opening, confluence). Next to the elbows and knees. Place of convergence or confluence with qi of the own meridian.

2- The Shu points of the back.
            In the Chinese Traditional Medicine there are twelve points very important to treat in Acupuncture. They are Shu-dorsal that makes reference to each organ, each one of these points they influence directly in qi of the reference organ and its use is of great importance in chronic pathologies due to its healing functions.
 These points are reactive to the pressure or tapping when its related organ is affected. The twelve more important points shu related to the organs are:
V13-Feishu is the point Shu de Lung.
V14-Jueyinshu is the point Shu de Pericardio.
V15-Xinshu is the point Shu de Heart.
V18-Ganshu is the point Shu de Liver.
V19-Danshu is the point Shu de Biliary Vesicula.
V20-Pishu is the point of Shu Spleen.
V21-Weishu is the point of Shu Stomach.
V22-Sanjiaoshu is the point Shu de Sanjiao.
V23-Shenshu is the point Shu de Kidney.
V25-Dachangshu is the point Shu de Large Intestine.
V27-Xiaochangshu is the point Shu de Thin Intestine.
V28-Pangguangshu is the point Shu de Bladder.
Other Shu points make reference to a part of the body or channel:
V17-Geshu is the Shu point of the Diaphragm and stimulating of the system of the blood.
V19-Danshu is the point Shu de Du Mai.
V29-Zhonglushu is the Shu point of the Sacred one.
V30-Baihuanshu is the Shu point of the Anus.
Shu are points that make reference to the mental and emotional aspect:
V42-Pohu is the Shu point of the Po (Corpórea Soul) that or can treat problems related like sadness or melancholy).
V44-Shentang the Shu point of the Shen (Lobby of the Mind) that can treat problems like anxiety and insomnia.
V47-Hunmen is the Shu point of the Hun (Etérea Soul) that can treat problems irritability, frustration, wrath.
V49-Yishe is the point of Shu de Yi (Intellect) (that can deal with problems about mental fatigue by intellectual excess or work, think, read much etc.
V52-Zhishi is the point of Shu de Zhi (Will) that can deal with problems lack of will, continuity of the things and instability.
and, finally, two Shu points are mentioned that are used more:
V43- Gaohuangshu (for chronic pathologies of difficult treatment).
V32 (For Menstrual upheavals, lumbar problems sacred etc).

3- Mu points or of alarm.
The alarm points are located in the chest or abdomen. The Chinese character Mu literally means " to produce, to accumulate, to recruit “, that is to say, the points where the energy of the corresponding organs is accumulated or reunited.
These points are used so much for the diagnosis as for the treatment. They are used spontaneously for the diagnosis because they become sensible, to the pressure or, when their organs put patients.

4- Points xi or crack.
They are points where qi of the channel meets and are used mostly in acute pathologies, specially when there is pain. They are used to treat acute diseases (and acute pains).

5- Points of command.
Points that a meridian relates to its corresponding collateral meridian in the surface and the interior. For example, the point Gives to Beam 21B or great Luo of the Spleen, scatters by zone torácico-bag, extends by all the body, surrounds it like a network. It is used like treatment of the pain all the body (pathology to articulate).

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