dissabte, 27 de desembre del 2014
Application of bunkai D, points and conclusions.
1- Application of bunkai D.
D0, Represents kamae or preparation before attacking.
D1, Represents the attack of the contricante the face of tori, that is been responsible for an attack at the same time, simultaneous, to the armpit of attacking arm, with the intention to strike the point 21B.
D2, shows the continuation of the answer, with a capture of the wrist to the time that is a kick to the genitals (very sensible point) or to ingle, in the point 30E.
D3, alongside teaches to the conclusion with an attack to the point 13H or 25VB.
2- Points in the application of bunkai D.
D1, point 21B of the meridian of spleen. Full stop of the channel tai yin of the foot to tendinomuscular. Point The one of global commando of joints.
Chinese name: Dabao.
English name: Great envelope.
Location: In the lateral one of the chest to the height of means of the line of the armpit in the sixth intercostal space.
Sintomatology: Pain and sensation of pressure in the thorax and the axillary hollow. Disneas. Gastric and hepato-vesicular affections.
D2, point 30E. Point of the system of Water Sea and grain Point. Intersection point of the stomach meridians and Chong mai.
Chinese name: Qichong.
English name: Source of Ki
Location: In ingle.
Sintomatology: Conditions of excess or deficiency of the stomach: hypogastric pain, abdominal distension, abdominal pain. It regulates the internal: borborigmos, hernia inguinal and rectal. It regulates the genitals: swelling and the pain, impotence.
D3, point 13H.Punto of alarm of the meridian. Rallying point with the meridian of the biliary vesicle, as well as the one of the five organs. Mu point.
Chinese name: Zhang Men.
English name: Entry door.
Location: In the lateral side of the abdomen below the free end of rib 11.
Sintomatology: Pain and distension of the abdomen, vomits, constipation, diarrea (or it alternates), abdominal distension, food nondigested in the internal.
D3, point 25VB. Point of alarm of the kidney. Mu point.
Chinese name: JingMen.
English name: Door of the capital.
Location: In the lateral side of the abdomen in the inferior edge of the free end of the 12 ª rib.
Sintomatology: Local point for a pain in the lumbar zone and/or lateral bag, mainly when one appears with a kidney deficiency. Problems that involve the humidity, diarrea (specially with water/heat), abdominal distension.
3- Conclusions of the application of bunkai D.
Attack to tendinomusculares, with the consequent functional impotence of the arm. Attack to ingle, obtaining that the opponent bends the genital and abdominal pain as resulting from. Conclusion with attack to the area where the kidney is affected by great pains.
Perhaps remarcable of this series of blows in this combination it is that all are, according to the observed thing in preceding combinations, very painful with a simple percussion without spirit to break. As much the point 22VB, as the one of ingle 30E (very known by all that that has made Kumite) as well as the point 25VB, already defined in the preceding combination, allow to affirm that the attacked one, without a great relative physical conditioning and with little effort, can with applied pain win and dissuade to somebody with more physical spread, thing that enters within the objectives of the Karate: the self-defense.
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