dilluns, 8 de desembre del 2014

Origin of the kata Juroku.

The kata Juroku is a kata of the Shito-Ryu style. Developed and created by the teacher Kenwa Mabuni, founder of the style of karate Shito-Ryu. At the beginning of the decade of years 40 of century XX, when he resided in the Japanese city of Osaka. At that time it distributed its lessons of self-defense in the schools of secondary and universities.

There are theories that say to us that the kata Juroku is designed for boys and the katas Aoyagi or Seiryu and Mioyo for girls (by the form to begin the kata of these last ones, protecting the chest with both hands).

This period of time agrees with the development and evolution of karate in Japan. Forming groups that shared the study, development and evolution of karate and its katas, as much of the teachers that traveled to the greater island of Japan, like that that they remained in Okinawa. The teacher Kenwa Mabuni ,like investigator of great number of katas and of To-de from Okinawa, developed to his style, contributing a series of katas, among them Juroku.

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