dissabte, 27 de desembre del 2014

Application of bunkai E, points and conclusions.

1- Application of bunkai E.

E1, the attacker initiates takes hold to the neck, that is intercepted halfway with one double shutdown to the forearms at level of the wrists, having exerted pressure towards the outside in the points of the arms 4C and 7P.
 E2, the answer is an attack to the eyes in the point 2E with the misfortune of the fists, in double uraken, advancing in yori-ashi with position in neko-ashi-dachi.

2- Points of application of bunkai E.
E1, point 4C point king of the meridian; channel shaoyin of the hand; element metal.
Chinese name: Ling Dao.
English name: Route of the spirit.
Location: On sinew folds of the wrist in the radial side of the flexor carpiulnaris.
Sintomatology: Sudden loss of voice, pain in the chest with emotional worsening stress. Pain located in the arm and/or elbow. Sudden ascent of the arterial pressure.

E1, point 7P Point of Luo passage with the meridian of the heavy intestine; masterful point of the wonderful glass Renmai, Jenn-mo. Point of commando of the head and the later part of the neck.
Chinese name: Roll That.
English name: Broken sequence.
Location: Over it folds of the wrist, superior to the estiloides apophysis of the radius.
Sintomatology: As main point of the Renmai meridian also treats subjects genitourinary and gynecological and pain throat. Being point of control of the head and later neck he is useful for anyone of the terms that involve these areas. Pain the thumb, connects extensions of the point on the eminence to tenar. Disturbance of the balance yin-yang between lungs and large intestine.
E2, point 2E.
Chinese name: Sibai.
English name: Four targets.
Location: Below the pupil, in the depression in they foramen infraorbitario.
Sintomatology: Any problem in the eyes: red eyes, pain and/or itching, excessive watering, espasms of the eyelids. Face paralysis.

3- Conclusions of the application of bunkai E.

It does not seem that the theories of five elements are used, but points of commando of regions tendinomusculars, like arm, head and neck. Remarcable to emphasize it is the temporary blindness caused by E2 and that gives foot to a later immobilization on the part of the defender or tori. Again, it is tried to cause pain to the attacker and/or to dissuade it to continue its attack, thing that agrees again with the elementary principles of the Karate.

As far as the face paralysis caused to pro the attack to the E2 point, it could have its explanation by the route of the branch of the face nerve, that is a craneal nerve, below the ocular orbit, being the zygomatic branch, in as source can be seen affected by a traumatism causing a face paralysis (: Anatomy with clinical direction, Keith L. Moore)

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