dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2014

Application of bunkai A, points and conclusions.

1-    Application of bunkai A.

A0 is a preparation or kamae before attacking, being uke or opponent with its ki in disposition to attack yet.

A1 the defender avoids the attack mounted in oi-tsuki leaving to the attacking unloading all its energy before being counterattacked.

A2 the defender strikes underneath the left armpit, concretely in the point 22VB.

A variant of bunkai exists in which the steps or times A1 and A2 are united, being made an attack with initiative or sen-no-sen simultaneously with the right arm to the left armpit of the attacker.
Next two possible final continuations of bunkai, A3 or A4 are detailed.

Continuous A3 the counterattack striking itself the end of the left supraciliary arc, in the point 23TR.

A4 finalizes the counterattack striking the acupuncture point 21BP spleen pancreas.

2- Description of the applied points of acupuncture in bunkai A.

A2, point 22VB of the meridian of the biliary vesicle. Tie point of the channels yin of the hand tendinomusculars. Drained of Ki.
Chinese name: Yuan Ye.
English name: Abyss of the armpit.
Location: In the mean line of the armpit when the arm rises, in the fifth left rib.
Sintomatology: General weakness, toracic fullness, functional impotence of the arm.

A3, point 23TR of the meridian of superheating triple. Rallying point with the biliary vesicle meridian.
Chinese name: Sizhu kong.
English name: Hole of silk bamboo.
Location: In the depression of the end of the line of the supraciliary arc.
Sintomatología: Migraine. Epilepsy. Vertigo. Inflamed eyes, defective vision, entropion. Odontalgia. Vomits.

A4, point 21B of the meridian of spleen. Full stop of the channel tai yin of the foot to tendinomuscular. Point The one of global commando of joints.
Chinese name: Dabao.
English name: Great envelope.
Location: In the lateral one of the chest to the height of means of the line of the armpit in the sixth intercostal space.
Sintomatology: Pain and sensation of pressure in the thorax and the axillary hollow. Disneas. Hepato-vesicular and gastrics affections.

               3- Conclusions application bunkai A.
As it can be observed above by the application of the points of described acupuncture, tendinomusculars is acceded to the control of the channels, with which the motor functions of the attacker are made unusable. Due to the points so concretely struck, it is obvious that the designer of bunkai knew the effects caused and the function these points, as well as the existence of the channels tendinomusculars.

Also, the resulting shock waves of tsukis in the body of the attacker cause an alteration of the Ki in addition to the resulting blast effects in the liver, like breakage and/or disfunction, depending on the intensity of the produced blow.

It is necessary to remark that, according to the theory of the five movements, fundamental to understand the Eastern culture and, in individual, the Chinese, an attack to the liver brings like consequence that affects muscles and sinews of the attacker, altering also the defensive energies of the organism of which the liver is its generator, with which the caused pain has more incidence.

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