divendres, 26 de desembre del 2014

Application of bunkai C, points and conclusions.

1- Application of bunkai C.

C1, the attacker makes yodan-oi-tsuki, that is resisted by a shutdown done by the defender in migi-shuto-uke, with impact in the inferior part of the arm to the height of the wrist, at level of the point 4C, all it in position neko-ashi-dachi.

C2, quickly, next, the points are attacked on guard of the thorax flank 13H and 25VB with the hand shotei-uchi and an advance in shiko-ashi. The defending arm in the previous step C1 remains in contact with the arm of the attacker, and the right foot of the defender, getting up in neko-ashi-dachi, steps on the foot of the attacker in 41VB. The obtained effect is the one of a strong push to the left flank with attachment of the advanced foot.

C1-1, on he himself attack, on the inside defends with the same technique but this time, on the P7 point with the same position of defense.

C1-2, in the conclusion of the variant is made, on takes hold of all the retired wrist with later in hikite, an attack to the neck on the point 18IG, stepping on the left foot advanced in the point 43E. 

2- Points of application of bunkai C.

C1, 4C point king of the meridian; channel shaoyin of the hand; element metal.
Chinese name: Ling Dao
English name: Route of the spirit.
Location: On sinew folds of the wrist in the radial side of the flexor carpiulnaris.
Sintomatology: Sudden loss of voice, pain in the chest with emotional worsening stress. Pain located in the arm and/or elbow. Sudden ascent of the arterial pressure.
 C2, 13H Point of alarm of the meridian. Rallying point with the meridian of the biliary vesicle, as well as the one of the five organs. Mu point.
Chinese name: Zhang Men.
English name: Great door
Location: In the lateral side of the abdomen below the free end of rib 11.
Sintomatology: Pain and distension of the abdomen, vomits, constipation, diarrea (or it alternates), abdominal distension, food nondigested in the internal.

C2, 25VB Point of alarm of the kidney. Mu point.
Chinese name: JingMen.
English name: Door of the capital.
Location: In the lateral side of the abdomen in the inferior edge of the free end of the 12 ª rib.
Sintomatology: Local point for a pain in the lumbar zone and/or lateral bag, mainly when one appears with a kidney deficiency. Problems that involve the humidity, diarrea (specially with water/heat), abdominal distension. Problems due to the shock wave that cross the kidneys caused by the technique of shotei-uchi.

C2, 41VB masterful Point of the wonderful glass Daimai, Tae-mo. Point shu of the meridian of the biliary vesicle, is commanding height and its punction transmits the energy of the meridian to all the Iu points of the entrails. Element wood.
Chinese name: ZuLinQi.
Englsih name: Near the tears of the foot.
Location: Subsequent to the fourth metatarsofalangic together with in a lateral depression the sinew of the extensor of the little finger.
Sintomatology: As its name indicates “tears with views standing up”, useful for problems in the eyes, reddening, swelling and watering, excessive watering.
Local point for standing up lateral problems, pain, cramps. Disconnection between the stop and under the body, used in combination with other points.

C1-1, 7P Point of Luo passage with the meridian of the large intestine; masterful point of the wonderful glass Renmai, Jenn-mo. Point of commando of the head and the later part of the neck.
Chinese name: Roll That.
English name: Broken sequence.
Location: Over it folds of the wrist, superior to the estiloides apophysis of the radius.
Sintomatology: As main point of the Renmai meridian also treats subjects genitourinary and gynecological and pain throat. Being point of control of the head and later neck he is useful for anyone of the terms that involve these areas. Pain the thumb, connects extensions of the point on the eminence to tenar. Disturbance of the balance yin-yang between lungs and large intestine.

C1-2, 18IG Point of the door of the sky.
Chinese name: Fu Tu.
English name: Support of the protuberance.
Location: To the height of the end of the Adam's apple between the heads esternal and to clavicular.
Sintomatology: Sudden loss of the voice with obstruction of Ki in the throat. It is used to regulate the flow of the artery common carotid, as well as to manipulate the vague nerve. Due to the connection with the vague nerve he is useful for the lung, esophagus, heart, stomach, intestine and problems of the biliary vesicle - digestive ebb tide, throbbing, problems, etc.

C1-2, 43E Shu Point of the meridian. Element wood.
Chinese name: Xiangu.
English name: Sunk valley.
Location: In a distal depression in the union of the second and third metatarsic bones.          
Sintomatology: Abdominal pain, abdominal distension, frequent borborygmus, belches. Local point for the pain and/or swelling the back of the foot. Point in charge to guard and to favor the free circulation of Ki. If it is attacked it produces a loss of energy so that the victim is due to seat due to the pain and to the drainage of Ki.

3- Conclusions of the application of bunkai C.

It is possible to be observed that the first variant applies the theory of the five phases, fire , metal, wood. In the point 4C controls to the element metal, that as well dominates to the element wood, points 13H, 25VB and 41VB. It is necessary to say that it is affected with these points, particularly in the side straight there where they are the liver and the biliary vesicle, in the muscular fatigue and the control of the defensive energy of the organism, all it according to the conception of the five movements in the cycle of destruction/dominancy or Ke.
On the other hand, the fact that as much 13H as 25VB is points of alarm or Mu, that is to say, points where the energy of the corresponding organs (spleen and kidney, respectively) is accumulated and been sensible to a disfunction induce to think that the person or people which they devised this combination perfectly knew the effects that an excessive pressure or a blow could cause in a human body.

As far as the second variant, it is observed that one takes place an attack continued at the top and neck, as well as to the abdomen through vague nerve and of the last point, with which first control is acquired on the head and neck, later to attack the mentioned vague nerve, finalizing with the control through point 43E of the foot, obtaining that the attacker falls to ground.

One is due to insist on the following fact: the attack to the points of the wrist or King. According to the Chinese traditional medicine, they are doors by where it is possible to be acceded to the interior of the organism skipping the natural defenses. It is therefore that many movements of this kata, and by extension of the katas of Karate, begin with a defense directed to the wrists of the adversary (Source: the great book of the Chinese medicine, Li Ping.).

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