dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2014

Application of bunkai B, points and conclusions.

1- Application of bunkai B.

B0, in answer to a left attack in oi-tsuki of the attacker or uke, tori or defender responds with a deflection with the left hand in shuto-uke on the left wrist of the attacker, in the point 8P, at the same time that, simultaneously, the defender attacks the center of the thorax of the attacker in the point 13RM with giaku-tsuki.

Nevertheless, in a scene of pancracio, the Greek predecessor of karate, with the double intention to show the antiquity of the technique and to teach to its accomplishment for this one bunkai. Notice that the defender responses with shotei-tsuki in the zone where the points 13, 14 and 15RM are present.

B1, the attacker makes giaku-tsuki at level yodan, at the top, that is resisted by a high shutdown yodan-uke, with impact to the inferior part of the arm or wrist. The points are struck 4C or 6ID.

B2, next lowers the left arm of tori until striking the back at level of the kidneys in the point 20V, whereas the right arm raises until the chin or inferior part of the jaw in the point 23RM, making a combined torsion of all the torso so that the body of the attacker inclines towards back, losing with it the balance.

B3, the attacker loses the balance and falls of backs to the ground.

B4, uke, not completely won, still have forces to mount a last attack with the right leg to the defender, which on guard defends this one with a shutdown in shuto-uke giaku-zenkutsu-dachi, attacking the ankle in the points 59V and 38VB. Bunkai finalizes.

2- Points of the application of bunkai B.

B0, 8P point king of the meridian; channel yin of the hand; element metal.
Chinese name: JingQu
English name: Water-drainage of the glass.
Location: On the radial artery, to the height of the apophysis of the radius.
Sintomatology: Fever. Angina. Cough, disnea. Esofagics vomits, espasms. Painful sincerely. Drainage of Ki, specially if it is taken hold in this point. Preparation for other attacks.

B0, 15RM point Lo of the meridian of Ren Mai.
Chinese name: Jiu Wei.
English name: Tail of the turtledove.
Location: Upon the navel, to half of distance between this one and the end of the breastbone, below the esternoxifoidea sincondrosis.
Sintomatology: Psychic and psychosomatic upheavals, epilepsy. Pain, itching of the skin of the abdomen. Digestive diseases such as nausea, ebb tide, and superior diseases of the chest.

B1, 4C point king of the meridian; channel shaoyin of the hand; element metal.
Chinese name: Ling Dao.
English name: Route of the spirit.
Location: On sinew folds of the wrist in the radial side of the flexor carpiulnaris.
Sintomatology: Sudden loss of voice, pain in the chest with emotional worsening stress. Pain located in the arm and/or elbow. Sudden ascent of the arterial pressure.

B1, 6ID punt Xi.
Chinese name: Yang Lao.
English name: To feed the old one.
Location: Ridge in the head of ulna in the crack of the body in the radial side of the process estiloides, being with the palm in front of the chest.
Sintomatology: Acute and severe pain in the neck, shoulder and/or arms; worked in excess and/or overstressed, fatigue in the extremities.

B2, 20V with 50V punt Iu (Shu) of the blood, in addition to bazo. Point of assent of the meridian of spleen. Point of sedation of the five organs.
Chinese name: Pi Shu.
English name: Assent of spleen.
Location: Underneath the thorny apophysis of 11a dorsal vertebra.
Sintomatology: Main point for all the problems of spleen: lack of energy, tires, prolapses, upheavals related to the conditions of bled humidity and/or bleeding.

B2, 23RM. Rallying point of RM with the dazzling meridian of spleen and yin wei.
Chinese name: LianQuan.
English name: Lateral source.
Location: In hioides the superior edge of the bone.
Sintomatology: Choking and pain in the area of the language and the throat, rigid language, incapacity to speak, difficulty to swallow.

B4, 59V point Xi.
Chinese name: Fu Yang.
English name: Yang of the bone of the foot.
Location: Upon maleolo external and behind the bone perone.
Sintomatology: Acute pain or espasm of the meridian of bladder or Qiao Yang. Sprain of ankle. Incapacity to be standing up.

B4 38VB point king of the meridian; channel shaoyang of the foot; element fire. Point of sedation of the meridian.
Chinese name: Yang Fu.
English name: Support of yang.
Location: Over the end of maleolo external, slightly previous to the previous edge of perone. Between the extensor length of the fingers and brevisperonea.
Sintomatology: Pain, heat and stagnation throughout the channel. Generalized articulates pain.

3- Conclusions of the application of bunkai B.

There is relation with the theory of the Chinese traditional medicine of the 5 movements, in particular with the relation between the metal, the Earth and the fire according to the cycle of generation.

The metal is generated by the Earth, that is generated as well by the fire.
According to this affirmation, the point 4C has like “father” or generator to the points 20V and 23RM, that is as well generated by the point 38VB. It is appraised in these points since there is clclo generating according to the theory of the five movements, that is to say, that would go away of less to in the process more going waters above in the generation of energy of oponent.

It is not appraised connection in the point 59V, element water.

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