This paper aims to demonstrate the use of so-called kyusho points in Kote, forearm, in the embodiment of martial techniques, such as aikido, to neutralize and immobilize the opponent.Scope:
To above shown, the points involved are shown first on the forearm, in relation to Chinese acupuncture, then provide various techniques in martial arts (aikido, mainly) in which the author acknowledges the use of these points. This range aims to inform all practitioners of martial arts.Content:Acupoints involved:4pc point pericardium meridian.Xi Men door crack. Xi Men (郄 門) (Limit Gate)Xi point of urgency or accumulation.
Location:in the inner forearm 5 above Tsunarticular distal crease of the wrist, on the linelink between MC 3 and MC 7, between the tendonsthe m. palmar and lower m. palmarisTerapeutycal indications:Xi point for the treatment of acute painful conditions related to the meridian. Unclogs M: acute onset angina pectoris (tighten), arrhythmias, feeling fear. Cools blood, coughing up blood, vomiting blood (epistaxis or bloody mouth fire C), boils, scarlet fever, measles (cool blood)Symptoms: Amnesia, fear of people. Bleeding; rectum, nose, stomach. Hemorrhoids. Rheumatic algias forearm, wrist and fingers.Direction of attack:It is made perpendicular, may include 5Pc and 6pc points in the attack.Damage achieved:This point has the ability to affect the heart, and this is especially noticeable if you have cardiac abnormalities. Obre the door to pathological changes that can cross the barrier of the pericardium. Remember that according to Chinese medicine The pericardium is a set of functions and not the physical barrier of the heart itself.Furthermore, because it is a point Xi, may affect blood pressure and thus the normal heart function. Finally, it can affect the Shen or spirit that lies within the body.
5pc pericardium meridian.Shi Jian, intermediary. jiān shǐ (間 使) (the intermediary).Jing Metal meridian point.
Location:3 Cun, or measures of acupuncture (for three widths thumb) aproximanadamente the distal fold of the wrist joint in the line between 3and MC MC 7, between the tendons of palmaris muscle and palmaris muscle .Therapeutic indications:金 point jīn Meridian circulation-sexuality (5 elements). The group point 3 Yin meridians of the arm; symmetrical opposite point 8TR, The group of the 3 arm yang meridians. C communicates with any disease in Eliminates C. Tan, heat. Confused consciousness after stroke. Memory loss, stunned. Alzheimer's dementia. Chest tightness, hysterical ball, menstrual disorder, bleeding.Symptoms: Lack of energy. Fear, insecurity. Convulsions. Hypertension or hypotension. Malaria. Congestive states. Dysphonia. Angina. Dysmenorrhea, vulvar itching.Direction of attack:It is made perpendicularly in the inner forearm. In combination with the previously 6pc point.Damage achieved:One disequilibrium between lungs and heart is achieved, draining Qi or Chi and getting a major weakness and digestion is also affected. But it is mainly the heart attack which pursued acting at this point.
6pc point pericardium meridian.Nein Guan, internal door. nèi guān (內 關) (internal barrier).Crossing point (Luo) Meridian-sexuality movement with triple superheater. Glass master point Wonderful Yin Wei Mai.
Location:2 Cun or measures of acupuncture (for three thumb widths) above the crease distal joint of the wrist, between the tendons of palmaris longus muscle and palmaris muscle.Therapeutic indications:Lighten the brain, it relieves pain, strengthens spleen and harmonizes the heart, clears the meridian and its ramifications and makes them passable. Angina, palpitations, chest feeling of fullness. Conscientious disorders and hemiplegia in cerebrovascular diseases. Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Pain and motor disorders forearm.Direction of attack:The attack is carried out perpendicular to the point, on a downward trajectory.Damage achieved:It is one of the great Dim Mak points used in the preparation of the attack because of their strong implications with the heart. Beaten, the Yin-Yang balance is disturbed, besides draining Qi or Chi is achieved.See attached bibliography for more information.7id point of the small intestine.Zheng Zhi, branch of righteousness. Zhin Zheng, 支 正From this point comes a branch Luo connecting points 7C and 9C.
Location:On the outside of the forearm, 5 dorsal cun above the wrist crease in the connecting line between ID 5 and ID 8.Therapeutic indications:It provides a generalized sedation and releases the spiritual force, clears the meridian and its ramifications and makes them passable. Psychological and psychosomatic disorders, alterationsPsicoemocionales. Forearm pain.Direction of attack:Amid the ulnar aspect of the forearm.Damage achieved:This point is achieved inducing Qi or Chi in the heart of the enemy. According Erle Montaigue in his book Encyclopedie du Dim Mak also temporary blindness is obtained.
Techniques used on these points:As seen, the acupuncture points mentioned quite match grips made in aikido or blockages in karate. It can be seen techniques illustrated that if gripping, for example, made of a ikkyo, the arrangement of the fingers on the press without exaggeration forearm preparation Rear projection resulting draw qi is obtained or chi and the influence of blood pressure on the ulnar and radial veins and arteries.
Ikkyo (一 教), "Primary Education" (UDE Osae): retention by internal rotation of the arm and wrist followed by pressure on the elbow in extension. Nikkyo (二 教), "Secondary Education" (KOTE MAWASHI): retention by external rotation and pressure on the wrist in flexion, keeping the elbow in semi flexion. Sankyo (三 教), "Third Education" (KOTE HINERI): retention internal twisting the arm, with the elbow semi-flexion and wrist flexion. Yonkyo (四 教), "Fourth Teaching" (tekubi Osae): retention by internal rotation of the arm, keeping your elbow in semi-bending and pressure on a vulnerable point (ulnar nerve). Gokyo (五 教), "Fifth Teaching" (UDE nobashi): retention arm and bending stress on the elbow.
For example, if a technique described in the accompanying illustration is made, it can be seen that:1- enters the sphere of influence of the adversary, with the psychological effects that this entails.2- grip is made as long as it is done with proper energy. Energetically speaking, an influence would occur in heart rate in the adversary qi or chi and yin-yang balance.3- Using inertia and angular momentum, an imbalance of its center of gravity is obtained.4- Finally, a projection on its upper end would be made, your forearm will make an impact with the defender on his elbow and projecting the energy of defender on the arm of the attacker.
Another example is to get karate technique called jodan-uke or kote-uke, as illustrated by the following images, where you can see the different paths used in Goju-ryu and shoto-kan and Shito Ryu.
Overall rating:Relations between the acupuncture points described and illustrated martial arts techniques are observed, having connection between them according to traditional Chinese medicine.The attack on these points would serve as preparation for a second or immobilization technique that would serve as a deterrent to the enemy's intention to persist in its attack. It can be seen that the points described are related to the heart, with the spirit that is housed in the heart and Shen, with the balance yin-yang or qi drainage attacker.The author is aware of the conceptual limitations that this entails, as it is to conceive the human body as an energy company and a fight as a clash of energies. These energies influence each other and that is why it is very difficult to translate into words such as this type of phenomenon. No documentation on this subject is.
References used:,d.d24
- Montaigue, Erle. Encyclopedic du Dim-Mak. Budo Editions, 2009.- Lian, Yu-Lin. Graphic Atlas Seirin acupuncture. Könemann, 2000.- Aikido and the dynamic sphere. An Illustrated Introduction by A. Westbrook and O. RattiIllustrations by O. Ratti 1970 TUTTLE PUBLISHING.Author's personal communications and Internet information.
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