1 Application of bunkai G.
G1, represents kamae, or preparation before the attack.
G2, shows to the defense in neko-ashi-dachi and blockade in shuto-uke on point of the meridian of the lung 7P.
G3, teaches the answer to the attack, that directly consists of a kick to ingle on the point 12H or on the genitals, at the same time that are made a blockade of the straight attacking arm, that straight consists of a picking combined of left hand on the wrist in the point 4C and uchi-uke on the superior side of the elbow, pressing the point 10TR of the superheating triple meridian.
G4, sample that, next, takes hold the attacking left arm by the wrist and, turning the right fist below the arm, the chest in the point is attacked 18E.
G5, finalizes the answer attacking the chest in the Renmai meridian 14RM.
2 Points of application of bunkai G.
G2, 7P Point of Luo passage with the meridian of the heavy intestine; masterful point of the wonderful glass Renmai, Jenn-mo. Point of commando of the head and the later part of the neck.
Chinese name: Roll That.
English name: Broken sequence.
Location: Over it folds of the wrist, superior to the estiloides apophysis of the radius.
Sintomatology: As main point of the Renmai meridian also treats subjects genitourinary and gynecological and pain throat. Being point of control of the head and later neck he is useful for anyone of the terms that involve these areas. Pain the thumb, connects extensions of the point on the eminence to tenar. Disturbance of the balance yin-yang between lungs and heavy intestine.
G3, point 12H.
Chinese name: Ji Mai.
English name: Urgent pulse.
Location: Lateral to the púbico tubercle, in the inguinal furrow, where the femoral artery is concrete.
Sintomatology: Local point. It can be useful for the pain in ingle. Nonrecommendable in acupuncture due to the proximity of the femoral artery. Pain in ingle and the genitals. Sudden drainage of Ki and, like consequence, erratic behavior of Ki in the set of the body.
G3,4C point king of the meridian; channel shaoyin of the hand; element metal.
Chinese name: LingDao.
English name: Route of the spirit.
Location: On sinew folds of the wrist in the radial side of the flexor carpiulnaris.
Sintomatology: Sudden loss of voice, pain in the chest with emotional worsening stress. Pain located in the arm and/or elbow. Sudden ascent of the arterial pressure.
G3, point 10TR. Point of sea of I have. Element earth, point of sedación.
Chinese name: Tianjing.
English name: Celestial well.
Location: In the part superior to the process of olécranon in a depression with the flexionate elbow.
Sintomatology: Pain elbow, tendinitis. Unilateral headache. The communication of Ki with the interior of the body is interrupted.
G4, point 18E.
Chinese name: Rugen.
English name: Root of the sine.
Location: In the chest, the midpoint of the fifth rib below nipple.
Sintomatology: Any problem with the chests: mastitis, pain/swelling. Oppression in the chest, asthma, cough.
G5, point 14RM. Frontal point Mu.
Chinese name: Ju That
English Name: Door of the great tower.
Location: Halfway between the navel and estrenón (appendix xifoides).
Sintomatology: Angina of chest, pain and/or pressure in the area of the heart. You feel nauseous, ebb tide, acid regurgitation, vomits, abdominal or epigastric pain.
3 Conclusions of the application of bunkai G.
This seems to be the sequence of the most forceful kata, since together with the control of the face and the neck it is the impact in ingle or the genitals. In addition, to the relation of control or dominancy of the five elements is applied, since the point wood is dominated by the metal.
With respect to the attack to the Luo point 7P, in the wrist arrives indicated, according to some authors is attacked for the reason that, to the being a point of glass of comunicante energy with the prime meridians, is able to unbalance them and to descompensar them of its normal function (to see Acupuncture III, Carlos Nogueira, pages 212 to 222). With the subsequent attack to ingle the harmony of ki in the organism is dismasted.
Next, on the basis of the process of penetration of the energy of the defender (in this “perverse” case), the points would be attacked 4C in wrist and 10TR in elbow, points King and I have respectively, with which the power defensive barriers are saved of the organism. Again the body has been decompensated power.
It would be finalized with an attack combined to the trunk, in the points 18E and 14RM, both near the heart, being a this one last point of special commando for the heart, causing with it arrhythmias and vomits, being possible a fading.
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