Mugai ryu: the classical samurai art of drawing the sword. Darrell Max Craig.
The book will discuss is, like many American books I have, useful and confusing time.
Useful that makes available to the general public the main iaido katas style that outside of Japan, there be very short of written documentation. So I applaud the author for his contribution. Although I started in the ryu mugay recently, I can say that some figures are clearly accessory, for example Chiburi shown in the book is clearly Tokugawa source. The undersigned author does not need a hakimachi head.
However, I have to say that the list of katas and its variants has helped me a lot. It provides an anchor point to memorize katas, which is no small feat. Drawings can not be compared with photographs, but I am of the opinion that we must not be so descriptive. A photograph, although it is well done, can not and should not replace the teachings of a sensei or shifu, nor can help meet daily or constant practice. Only serves as a light point to the lack of memory.
Confusing because the author does not give an overview of Mugay ryu, only the particular teachers, defect I have observed in several martial masters. It is confused by inserting stories and facts which, although nice to explain, do not come to regarding the style of which is intended to be a guide and introduction. See the history of Nin Keigo ronin or Tokugawa shogunate. In my view, these texts should be treated in another volume.
Fortunately, I can recommend this book, but with caution. One should begin in the iaido hand of a competent and patient instructor, to teach all the tricks and phenomena draw, with proper iaito Zamak to start. Nothing replaces the training, not even a good book, which is written very correctly and its author budoka of worth.
Karate and acupunture.
dimecres, 12 d’octubre del 2016
dijous, 11 d’agost del 2016
According to the execution of the mawashi-uke or envelope stop karate,
this can be used in various ways, as described in the accompanying
video, which has made a selection of the best performances. For example, the author would like that made by Mr. Enkamp.
It can be seen by the two drawings Bubishi that this technique attacks
and defends at various heights, which is typical of Okinawan karate and
Chinese styles of wu-su.
However, as has consisted the author on his experiences in the dojo,
the technique mawashi-uke is applied more efficiently in points mu or
alarm the human thorax and could also apply, if arrived the case, to the
shu points or ridges. A representation thereof is attached in the form of images and also in the literature web at the end.
Some features on this technique should be indicated:
technique circular performed with both hands, which can be performed
both clockwise and counterclockwise (in fact, in some kata, as
Suparimpei, is performed in both directions). It is specific styles of Naha-te (the author believes that most likely southern Chinese origin).

- The completion differs depending on the style of karate used: in Goju-ryu is shotei hits (palm side of the wrist hand) so the palms are running front to the body. However, in Shito-ryu it is given if the palms are inclined at 45 ° to the front side of the body that runs, almost hitting with Shuto and / or haito the area to which you want to damage
- Also, as the videos on the network, you can reach the face, neck and head is observed.
- It is a very fast and enveloping technique. Usually usually it taught in Goju-ryu, with basic katas and Gekisai dai ni. In Shito-ryu, however it begins teaching the katas of Naha-te. It requires a degree of technical skill, and sometimes the person as certain dificutad by the synchronism movements.
- Both Goju-ryu and Shito-ryu, the development of the technique should be circular, without exceeding the width of the body or up or down on your travel shoulder level or the navel. That is, must be made a circle (akin to the theory of Naha-te) not exceeding the width and height of the chest and abdomen.
- It can also be done with a slight forward Driveable Yori-ashi, while maintaining the posture, which can be in Sanchin-dachi or Neko-Ashi-Dachi.
As indicated above, the most effective impact points on the human body are points mu or alarm.
These points connect with the outside the zhang fu organs and viscera
(see table below), and are used in acupuncture to treat symptoms of
pathology in these organs.
By author's own experience, it is found that if the mawashi-uke is done
correctly and points are attacked, for example, liver14 or spleen13,
hands in shotei, severe pain can be seen.
The nature of the pain is not superficial, but that is introduced
through the channel to the corresponding Ogano acupuncture, causing
enormous discomfort and pain from within the chest and abdomen.
Therefore, the author advises lower the intensity of the blow or
technique that make an experienced karateka with absolute control of the
technique. They may cause internal injuries.
diumenge, 27 de desembre del 2015
Proprioception and knee.
Proprioception is the sense that informs the body of the
position of the muscles, is the ability to sense the relative position of
adjacent body parts. Proprioception regulates the direction and range of motion
enables automatic reactions and responses involved in the development of body
image and its relationship with space, supporting the planned motor action.
Other functions in acting with more autonomy are control balance, coordination
of both sides of the body, maintaining the alert level of the nervous system
and influence on emotional development and behavior.
This definition comes from the Wikipedia article
proprioception in Spanish. Introducing defined as karate affect the impact or
damage to the mechanisms that inform the body position in space.
By extension all karate techniques performed, if they are
applied with sufficient energy, timing and location, a perceptible decline in
the opponent of his own conception of space. It is simpler words, it knocks
him. There are parts of the body that are most likely to do this, for example
the head, the position of the vestibular canals and innervation. But
specifically in this article, we will see how knee affects their relationship
with body balance.
The human knee has a variety of tendons, synovial chambers,
and bones that make it particularly sensitive to sports injuries, including
martial, and that makes a real target when attacking an opponent and leave
To do this, karate is available, coded karate kata, a series
of techniques that are listed below:
Sanseru in kata
(Goju-ryu and Shito-ryu), are performed in four directions kick call
fumikomi-geri, specifically aimed at the knee.
Also in Sanseru
kata (Goju-ryu and Shito-ryu), particularly in the first kata techniques, with
a twist blow to the knee area in order to rotate the leg and unbalance the
opponent is done.
In Bo kata become
atemis or shock which are aimed at low or gedan, aimed at the knee or ankle
failing opponent, which will cause his downfall injured or lack of mobility.
Why attack the opponent's knee?
The knee, like all the human body and especially the joints,
has several elements that make it particularly sensitive to injury or attack:
It has
mechanoreceptors that act as transducers that inform the brain of the position
of the muscles, tension and relaxation, in short conception of how the body is
located in space.

Tendons are
located on the same a number of important points, such as Stomach 34, Stomach
36, Liver 8 and acupuncture Gallbladder 34. All these points refer to the
mobility of the knee to be located in or near tendons .
It is highly
innervated when passing packages nerves leading position signals other body
part rich in mechanoreceptors, as the ankle, another objective Martial attacks
made in Bo.
One is femoral nerve.
How to make a correct fumikomi-geri?
From my personal experience, after passing through the
Shito-ryu style Goju-ryu, I can say that the process that created more correct
would be:
Start from an
anatomically stable position as moto-dachi or sanchin-dachi. I do not advise
the zenkutsu-dachi because it is too low.
With arms on
guard, we can raise the leg until the knee is the closest to waist level.
Attacking the foot it must be turned into the body to properly taut.
Lower leg,
attacking foot (always tensioned reatrído inwardly protruding external heel
area) to the knee, in the joint, on its inner or outer side. Failing that they
can attack immediately lower calf areas. This process should be accompanied by
a slight discharge from your body down in the moment of impact, perhaps most
difficult to achieve. Caution: Do not tilt the trunk backward in carrying the
tecnique because kinetic energy division that entails.
Roll back leg to
its elevated position with the knee at the same level as the waist.
Lower the leg or
reverse the playback to a safe position.
The effects are achieved by a vigorous application of a
force of 20Kp with the leg, which added weight defender, cause the opponent's
knee bend thereby damaging tendons and mechanoreceptors in addition to the
joint force. This achieves that the opponent sees his conscience impaired
balance or proprioception, falling down or being diminished balance.
An even stronger and violent application might break the
tendons and cause the output of synovial fluid out of the capsules which
enclose it for normal operation of the knee.
From this lecture I advise the responsible practice of
martial arts without damaging the opponent and teammate and always respecting.
Respect and love of neighbor should be, and are, more important than the proper
execution of the techniques.
Bunkai of sanseru.
Kata sanseru.
Propiocepction in robots.
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